Our Routes

The following are the routes we run most frequently. We try to do a different one every day! Routes are usually decided on the spot, however club tradition has led certain routes to be more popular certain days. Keep in mind that many of these offer opportunities to go shorter or longer, if need be!

From Miller

All of these routes start at Miller Field (where practice begins).

Miller Field ~ 0.6 miles/1K (Loop) - The perimeter of lower miller field. Common for workouts and recovery.

Spencer’s Loop ~ 2 miles (Loop) A simple route that circles Main Campus. Commonly done for cooldowns after a workout!

Pog ~ 3 miles - A trip to the Pog statue!

Boylan ~ 4 miles (Loop) - A shorter version of the Downtown loop that takes Boylan Road.

Downtown ~ 5.2 Miles (Loop) - A tour through downtown Raleigh.

Arboretum Detour ~ 5.2 Miles (Double lollipop)

Dix ~ 5.3 Miles (Loop) - A loop that travels into Dorothea Dix State Park.

Kaplan ~ 5.6 Miles (Loop)

Parking Deck ~ 5.9 Miles (Loop) - A more recent favorite, travel through downtown before traversing a parking deck - top to bottom!

Peter’s Loop ~ 6.0 Miles (Loop) - A loop named after secretary Peter Lawing.

Sketch ~ 4-6 Miles (Out & Back)

Rock ~ 6.1 Miles (Loop)

A staple of Thursday runs. A rather hilly expenditure through suburban Raleigh, the run culminates with a huge uphill you have to practically climb up! Also features the aforementioned “rock”, of course.

Five Points ~ 6.6 Miles (Loop) - A run commonly done by smaller groups of people.

North East South West ~ 7.1 Miles (Loop) - A longer version of Downtown.

Meredith ~ 7.2 Miles (Lollipop)

A staple of Monday runs, the Meredith loop goes through campus before going through the North Carolina Museum of Art. It then lollipops back. Usually closed during the winter months due to the trails closing at sunset.

Furnace ~ 7.5 Miles (Loop) - A staple of Friday runs.

Centennial ~ 7.9 Miles (Loop)

A variant of Sketch that goes into the back of Centennial Campus. A shorter, 6.9 mile variant exists if you turn right at the soccer field and follow Main Campus Drive to the entrance to Centennial Campus, where it then combines with the main route.

Ridge Road ~ 8.3 Miles (Loop)

A variation of Meredith, this route continues forward instead of turning at the bridge to the art museum. “Short Ridge” is an easier alternative that turns a bit earlier.

Big Arb ~ 8.5 Miles (Loop)

Cemetery ~ 8.6 Miles - An extension of Sketch that goes into downtown.

Lake Johnson (LJ) ~ 8.7 Miles (Lollipop)

The Allen ~ 10.0 Miles (Loop)

From Umstead

These routes start from the Lake Crabtree entrance of Umstead State park. Mostly long runs! Variations of these routes also exist which start from the Schenck Forest Access Road.

Graylyn ~ 9.1 Miles (Loop)

Turkey ~ 14.0 miles (Loop)

The definitive “long run”, a half marathon through the woods. A shorter version of the run starts at the Schenck Forest Access Road (~10.5 Miles).

Glurkey ~ 14.2 Miles (Loop) - A combination of Graylyn and Turkey.

Infinite Glurkey ~ 16.5 Miles (Figure 8 Loop) - The longest route on this list. Good luck!


Krispy Kreme Challenge ~ 5.1 Miles (Out & Back) - NOTE: The official race may be different!

Miller to Umstead ~ 11.4 Miles (Point to Point)

Dead* routes

Arboretum ~ 5.0 Miles (Loop)

* Routes that can not currently be run are considered “dead”. Arboretum is “dead” due to a necessary tunnel being closed off; the re-opening time is unknown.